How to Get Event Information from Hedera Smart Contracts
Feb 09, 2022
by Ed Marquez
Developer Relations
Q54s W Bh
by Greg Scullard
Lead Developer Advocate

Events in Solidity provide a way to log things and actions that take place in your smart contracts. In this article, you will learn how to get human-readable event information from contract logs using transaction records and mirror nodes.

You will use the Hedera JavaScript SDK and mirror node REST API with libraries like web3.js and ethers.js.

Try It Yourself

  • Get a Hedera testnet account
  • This Codesandbox is already setup for you to try this example
    • Remember to provide your testnet account credentials in the .env file
    • And open a new terminal to execute index.js
  • Get the code from GitHub
    • Includes index.js, stateful.sol, abi.json, bytecode.json, and more.
    • This repository implements this same example with other languages and libraries

How Are Events Used?

Here’s how you declare and emit events in Solidity:

Code Snippet Background
//Declare an Event
event Deposit(address indexed _from, bytes32 indexed _id, uint _value);

//Emit an event
emit Deposit(msg.sender, _id, msg.value);

When an event is emitted, it stores the arguments in a special on-chain data structure called the transaction log. Logs are associated with the address of a contract; however, logs and their event data are not accessible from within contracts.

Logs are composed of topics and data. When you use the attribute indexed for event arguments, they are added to the topics part of the log, not the data. Doing this can be useful because topics allow you to search for events. On the other hand, all arguments that don’t use the indexed attribute are added to the data part of the log.

Access Event Information from a Hedera Contract

The contract to deploy is called StatefulContract, and it is simply a getter-setter contract that changes and reads the state variable message, which is of type string. In addition, the contract has the event SetMessage that captures changes to the state variable.

The contract looks like this:

Code Snippet Background
pragma solidity ^0.6.12;

contract StatefulContract {
    // sample event
    event SetMessage(address indexed from, string message);

    // the message we're storing
    string message;

    constructor(string memory message_) public {
        emit SetMessage(msg.sender, message_);
        message = message_;

    function set_message(string memory message_) public {
        emit SetMessage(msg.sender, message_);
        message = message_;

    // return a string
    function get_message() public view returns (string memory messageOut) {
        messageOut = message;

Now, this entire example in JavaScript runs through the seven steps below, but we’ll focus only on steps six and seven:

  1. Deploy the contract on Hedera with a “Hello Hedera” message (this emits a SetMessage event)
  2. Query the contract for the current message value
  3. Set the contract message to “Hello again” (this emits a SetMessage event)
  4. Use a query to fetch the contract's current message value (get_message)
  5. Use a transaction to fetch the contract's current message value (get_message)
  6. Call set_message with the current date time as a parameter (this emits a SetMessage event) AND fetch the emitted event using a record
  7. Fetch all the events for the contract using a mirror node query

Here is the console output when you run the entire example:

2022 Smart Contracts Events Tx Rec Image 1

Here is the main function that implements those seven steps:

Code Snippet Background
async function main() {
	// deploy the contract to Hedera from bytecode
	const contractId = await deployContract();

	// query the contract's get_message function
	await queryGetMessage(contractId);

	// call the contract's set_message function
	await callSetMessage(contractId, "Hello again");

	// query the contract's get_message function
	await queryGetMessage(contractId);

	// call the contract's get_message function
	await callGetMessage(contractId);

	// get call events from a transaction record
	await getEventsFromRecord(contractId);

	// get contract events from a mirror node
	await getEventsFromMirror(contractId);

Get Event Information Using Transaction Records

Let’s take a closer look at the function getEventsFromRecord (see below). This function sets the state variable, message, to the current date and time by calling the set_message function of the contract with the ContractExecuteTransaction() module.

From the Solidity code, doing this emits a SetMessage event. A record of the transaction is then obtained because it contains the output of the function as well as events. The changes to the contract state variable are checked by calling the queryGetMessage function.

Finally, the events contained in the record are decoded (parsed) using web3.js to get human-readable information. Note that both the data and topics from the event logging exists in record.contractFunctionResults.logs.

Code Snippet Background
async function getEventsFromRecord(contractId) {
	console.log(`\nGetting event(s) from record`);

	// calling "set_message" with the current date/time to generate a new event
	const newMessage = new Date().toLocaleString();
	// generate function call with function name and parameters
	const functionCallAsUint8Array = encodeFunctionCall("set_message", [newMessage]);

	console.log(`Calling set_message to trigger new event`);
	// execute the transaction calling the set_message contract function
	const transaction = await new ContractExecuteTransaction()

	// a record contains the output of the function
	// as well as events, let's get events for this transaction
	const record = await transaction.getRecord(client);

	// query the contract's get_message function to witness update
	await queryGetMessage(contractId);

	// the events from the function call are in
	// let's parse the logs using web3.js
	// there may be several log entries
	record.contractFunctionResult.logs.forEach((log) => {
		// convert the (uint8Array) to a string
		let logStringHex = "0x".concat(Buffer.from("hex"));

		// get topics from log
		let logTopics = [];
		log.topics.forEach((topic) => {

		// decode the event data
		const event = decodeEvent("SetMessage", logStringHex, logTopics.slice(1));

		// output the from address stored in the event
			`Record event: from '${AccountId.fromSolidityAddress(event.from).toString()}' update to '${event.message}'`

Auxiliary Functions

Below are the functions (and dependencies) used by the getEventsFromRecord function. Note that the usage of web3.js is shown in the last three functions to encode and decode function results, parameters, and events.

Code Snippet Background
async function queryGetMessage(contractId) {
    console.log(`\nget_message Query`);
    // generate function call with function name and parameters
    const functionCallAsUint8Array = encodeFunctionCall("get_message", []);

    // query the contract
    const contractCall = await new ContractCallQuery()
        .setQueryPayment(new Hbar(2))

    let results = decodeFunctionResult("get_message", contractCall.bytes);
Code Snippet Background
function decodeFunctionResult(functionName, resultAsBytes) {
    const functionAbi = abi.find((func) => === functionName);
    const functionParameters = functionAbi.outputs;
    const resultHex = "0x".concat(Buffer.from(resultAsBytes).toString("hex"));
    const result = web3.eth.abi.decodeParameters(functionParameters, resultHex);
    return result;
Code Snippet Background
function encodeFunctionCall(functionName, parameters) {
    const functionAbi = abi.find((func) => === functionName && func.type === "function");
    const encodedParametersHex = web3.eth.abi.encodeFunctionCall(functionAbi, parameters).slice(2);
    return Buffer.from(encodedParametersHex, "hex");
Code Snippet Background
function decodeEvent(eventName, log, topics) {
    const eventAbi = abi.find((event) => === eventName && event.type === "event");
    const decodedLog = web3.eth.abi.decodeLog(eventAbi.inputs, log, topics);
    return decodedLog;

Get Event Information Using Mirror Nodes

Now let’s take a closer look at the function getEventsFromMirror (see below). This function introduces a delay of 10 seconds to allow transaction propagation to the mirror nodes. After the 10 seconds, a URL is created with the mirror node REST API (learn more about the mirror node API here) and the axios client is used to obtain the logs from the mirror query. Iterating through the logs is necessary in case there are multiple log entries, which is true in this case. Finally, decoding the events with the decodeEvent function is the last step before outputting a human-readable message to the console with information from each event.

Code Snippet Background
async function getEventsFromMirror(contractId) {
	const delay = (ms) => new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, ms));
	console.log(`\nGetting event(s) from mirror`);
	console.log(`Waiting 10s to allow transaction propagation to mirror`);
	await delay(10000);

	const url = `${contractId.toString()}/results/logs?order=asc`;

		.then(function (response) {
			const jsonResponse =;

			jsonResponse.logs.forEach((log) => {
				// decode the event data
				const event = decodeEvent("SetMessage",, log.topics.slice(1));

				// output the from address and message stored in the event
					`Mirror event(s): from '${AccountId.fromSolidityAddress(event.from).toString()}' update to '${event.message}'`
		.catch(function (err) {

To see the output of this function, check step seven in the console output image above. In addition, the Auxiliary Functions section shows the decodeEvents function and how it uses web3.js to decode the contract log.

Now you know how to get event information from hedera smart contracts using transaction records and mirror nodes!

For feedback on this article or future articles you would like to see, let us know via the Hedera Discord server.

Check Out the Code and Try It

  • Try the code in Codesandbox (remember to provide your account credentials in the .env file)

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