The fastest way to get started building applications and ecosystems for the next generation of the web.
Welcome toHedera.Let’s buildthe future.
Continue utilizing familiar Ethereum tooling, Web3JS, Truffle, Ethers, Hardhat, and Foundry to build on Hedera using the JSON-RPC Relay. As an Ethereum developer, your workflow does not have to change.
Create an account with ECSDA keys to use with a JSON-RPC for EVM-compatible tooling, libraries, and wallets.
Add the Hedera testnet or mainnet to MetaMask using the Hashio offering of the JSON-RPC Relay. Sign transactions and queries to test your Hedera-powered application.
Integrate Hedera into ethers, web3js, truffle, or hardhat for building, debugging, and deploying your smart contract application on the Hedera network.
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