Milestone  Hero

Hedera's Roadmap

Hedera has an audacious but simple vision: to build a trusted, secure, and empowered digital future for all.

About us Our journey
Milestone Bg Pattern

Prioritized for Development

Projects that are prioritized but not yet planned for development.

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Milestones Incomplete 4
Milestones Incomplete 4

Modularized Local Node testing experience

Continued enhancement of the development experience. Faster and more lightweight, allows us to support more EVM tooling and bring over more developers to the network.

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Milestone Bg Pattern
Milestones Incomplete 4

Planned for Development

Projects that are on the near-term roadmap.

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Milestones Incomplete 4
Milestones Incomplete 4

HIP-850: Token supply key update

Enhancing Supply Key Functionality for NFT Updates in Treasury Account (HIP-850).

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Milestones Incomplete 4
Milestones Incomplete 4

HIP-991: Permissionless revenue-generating Topic Ids for Topic Operators

Adding a fixed fee mechanism to the Hedera Consensus Service for topic messages, similar to the custom fee structures in the Hedera Token Service (HIP-991).

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Milestone Bg Pattern
Milestones Incomplete 4

In Development

Projects actively being developed.

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Milestones Incomplete 4
Milestones Incomplete 4

HIP-632: Hedera Account Service (HAS) System Contract

Provide authorization options within smart contracts for non-ECDSA type accounts on Hedera (HIP-632).

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Milestones Incomplete 4
Milestones Incomplete 4

HIP-904: Frictionless Token Airdrop

Enhancements to streamline the process for token airdrop and users associating tokens with their accounts to support the retail user and business user experience (HIP-904).

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Milestones Incomplete 4
Milestones Incomplete 4

Network Tooling and Automation

Improvements to the operation of Hedera consensus nodes that improve network uptime and resilience.

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Milestones Incomplete 4
Milestones Incomplete 4

HIP-1010: Update Token Custom Fee Schedules via Smart Contracts

Introducing two new system contract functions in the Hedera Smart Contract Service logic that would expose the already defined in HIP-18 Hedera Token Service logic (HIP-1010).

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Milestones Incomplete 4


Projects that have been completed and deployed.

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Milestones complete 4
Milestones complete 4

HIP-906: Allowance and Approval

Allowing Smart Contract developers to grant allowance and approval for hbars without using HAPI hinders developers’ workflow (HIP-906).

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Milestones complete 4
Milestones complete 4

HIP-206: Integrate Hedera Token Service into the EVM

Allow Hedera Smart Contracts to transfer, mint, burn, associate, and dissociate tokens programmatically (HIP-206).

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Milestones complete 4
Milestones complete 4

EVM Compatibility: Cancun Support

Support upcoming Ethereum Cancun hard fork and bringing feature parity Hedera EVM.

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Milestones complete 4
Milestones complete 4


Modularize Hedera services to enable easier development troubleshooting, deployment, and enhancements.

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Milestones complete 4
Milestones complete 4

HIP-657, HIP-646, HIP-765: Mutable Metadata Fields for fungible and non-fungible tokens

Ability to dynamically update metadata of non-fungible and fungible tokens to support a broad range of use cases, including gaming and customer loyalty (HIP-657), (HIP-646), (HIP-765).

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Milestones complete 4
Milestones complete 4

The Graph: Hashgraph Hosted Node

Open source implementation of The Graph for the Hedera network, hosted by Hashgraph.

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Milestones complete 4
Milestones complete 4

HIP 584: EVM Archive Node

Query the state of smart contracts on Hedera using a mirror node. Initial support includes eth_Call and eth_getGasEstimate (HIP 584).

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Milestones complete 4
Milestones complete 4

JSON-RPC Relay Performance Improvements

Ongoing improvements to JSON-RPC to improve scalability and performance.

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Milestones complete 4
Milestones complete 4

Developer Portal Improvements

Modifications to the Hedera developer portal to improve the experience of obtaining and managing testnet accounts and keys.

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Milestones complete 4
Milestones complete 4

HIP 719: Secure Association Pathway

Treat Hedera Token Service tokens in an equivalent manner to ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens by creating a proxy redirect facade contract (HIP 719).

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Milestones complete 4
Milestones complete 4

Local Node Improvements

Improving the performance of local node to improve application development, testing, and deployment.

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Milestones complete 4
Milestones complete 4

Smart Contract Verification

Allow Hedera mirror nodes to display verified source code for deployed smart contracts, enabling safer developer and retail experiences.

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Milestones complete 4
Milestones complete 4

Mirror Node Explorer: EVM Developer Support

Improvements to open-source mirror node tooling to enable smart contract developers to better track, diagnose, and improve deployed smart contracts.

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Milestones complete 4
Milestones complete 4

EVM 3rd Party Tooling Support

Development to enable first-class support for Hedera using popular EVM tools like Hardhat and Foundry.

Milestone Bg Pattern