
Hedera Technical Blogs

Creating An Account On Hedera

Hedera Technical Insights: Creating an Account on Hedera

Nov 19, 2019Paul Madsen

Once a crypto account is created, hbars can be moved out of the account (causing the balance to drop) only if the transactions directing such movements are cryptographically signed by the private key(s) associated with the public keys.

Pricing Gas 003

Pricing Smart Contracts

Oct 18, 2019Paul Madsen

Hedera charges fees based on the burden a particular smart contract transaction or query places on the nodes of the network. Although the concept originated from Ethereum, there are subtle yet key differences on Hedera.

Hedera Fee Model For Transactions Queries

Hedera Technical Insights: Hedera Fee Model for Transactions & Queries

Sep 22, 2019Paul Madsen

The guiding principle of the fee model is that transactions and queries will have a fee that both reflects the amount of bandwidth, processing, and storage resources they consume, as well as the duration of that consumption.

Fair Access V  Fair Ordering And Transactions Per Second Examined And Explained

Fair Access v. Fair Ordering, & Transactions Per Second Examined & Explained

Sep 13, 2019Paul Madsen

Distributed ledger technologies (DLT) aren’t just built on code; they’re about community too. And while we might wish for universal agreement, any community worth the name will have its share of disagreement and dispute.

Hedera Consensus Service Scaling

Hedera Technical Insights: Hedera Consensus Service scaling

Jul 30, 2019Paul Madsen

The public Hedera network is dedicated to that which the underlying hashgraph algorithm is optimized for – securely and fairly ordering transactions. Without the burden of execution and storage, the nodes of the Hedera mainnet can perform that step with high throughput and low latency.

State Proofs On Hedera

Hedera Technical Insights: State Proofs on Hedera

Jul 23, 2019Paul Madsen

The fundamental value proposition of a distributed ledger is that participants need not have special trust in any single node maintaining the state. Hedera’s state proofs ensure that clients querying the state can be given the necessary confidence that any data, even if returned by a single node, does indeed accurately represent the consensus state as maintained by the full network.

Calvin Cheng

A technical deep-dive: Hedera’s community testing program

Jul 10, 2019Hedera Team

A technical deep-dive into how the hashgraph consensus algorithm allows for practical cryptocurrency micropayments and the considerations made when designing our open source example applications for the community testing program, to scale to up to 100,000 unique community testers.

Proxy Staking On Hedera

Hedera Technical Insights: Proxy Staking on Hedera

Jun 27, 2019Paul Madsen

Proxy staking in Hedera hashgraph will allow the stake of millions of account holders to be used towards consensus even if not directly participating as a node. Nodes will receive significant compensation for staking, to incentivize them to do all the effort of being a node. Proxy stakers will also receive very small amounts in order to incentivize them to do the small amount of effort of choosing reliable nodes to which they can proxy stake.

Rent On Hedera

Hedera Technical Insights: Rent on Hedera

Jun 14, 2019Paul Madsen

Hedera charges rent for storing crypto accounts, files, and smart contracts in the consensus state maintained by all nodes to both guard against that state growing without bound and to fund payments to those nodes to compensate for their storage costs.