
Hedera Technical Blogs

Hedera Hashgraph Transaction And Query Processing Model

Hedera Technical Insights: Hedera Hashgraph Transaction and Query Processing Model

Apr 28, 2020Paul Madsen

Hedera Hashgraph is a public ledger. Nodes on the network collectively establish and maintain a consensus state for a set of application data. Clients interact with that state through API calls sent to the nodes of the network.

Fair Timestamping And Fair Ordering Of Transactions

Hedera Technical Insights: Fair Timestamping and Fair Ordering of Transactions

Apr 12, 2020Hedera Team

Many applications require knowing either the time at which a business transaction happened (for instance, submitting federal taxes before the deadline) or its order relative to other transactions (for instance, competing bids in markets or auctions) or both. Time, or order, will generally be used to assess validity of a transaction or priority relative to other transactions.

Build First Hcs Powered Web App 001

Build your first HCS powered web app

Mar 31, 2020Cooper Kunz

In this post, Developer Evangelist Cooper Kunz will show you how to build a web-based chat application that is decentralized on the Hedera Consensus Service (HCS).

Get Started With  Hcs And  Js 001

Get started with HCS and JavaScript

Mar 09, 2020Cooper Kunz

In this post, Developer Evangelist Cooper Kunz will show you how to get started with Hedera's JavaScript SDK and start building applications with the Hedera Consensus Service.

Js Blog Hero

Get started with Hedera's JavaScript SDK

Feb 17, 2020Cooper Kunz

This tutorial takes you through getting started with Hedera and JavaScript. We'll use the Hedera JavaScript SDK to send your first hbar transfer and be ready to build applications on the Hedera network.

Abft Blog

ABFT for Correctness and Liveness

Feb 07, 2020Paul Madsen

For some consensus algorithms, it is possible to prove that they are Asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerant (ABFT). But what does that mean, and what are the practical implications? This blog will explore what an ABFT proof can guarantee about the correctness, finality, and liveness of a consensus algorithm.

Usd Hbar Exchange

How Hedera calculates the HBAR / USD exchange rate for SDKs and applications

Jan 16, 2020Paul Madsen

Having up-to-date and accurate HBAR to USD conversion values is an important aspect of network operations at Hedera. We utilize the current price of HBAR across various applications and services. If you’ve ever wondered how we do that conversion, look no further.

Hierarchical Multi Signature Support In Hedera

Hedera Technical Insights: Hierarchical Multi-Signature support in Hedera

Jan 11, 2020Paul Madsen

Hedera enables a flexible and dynamic permissioning model for entities in consensus state via a hierarchical m-of-n transaction signature based authorization model. The ability to require multiple signatures for operations on entities in state is critical for security and usability of public ledgers.

Latency On Hedera

Hedera Technical Insights: Latency on Hedera

Dec 16, 2019Paul Madsen

Latency is the time from when a transaction is first sent out from one node, until a node has received it and calculated its consensus order and consensus timestamp, averaged over all nodes and all transactions. On the Hedera mainnet we are currently seeing a latency of approximately 2.5 seconds for transactions. This post will break down that 2.5 seconds.