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Hedera Projects

Welcome to Hedera Projects: a diverse community of developers, dreamers, and builders working to make the world fairer, faster, and more secure.

Hedera Tech Stack

Projects are organized by category and by maturity. A project's maturity is a good indicator of how widespread its adoption is and whether it is appropriate for your use case. Select a component of the Hedera tech stack to learn more and gain access to its repository on GitHub.


MyHbarWallet is a free, client-side interface that helps you interact with a Hashgraph based network. It supports generating keys, creating accounts, transferring HBARs, and much more.


MyHbarWallet is a free, client-side interface that helps you interact with a Hashgraph based network. It supports generating keys, creating accounts, transferring HBARs, and much more.

Graduated Projects

Stable and secure.

Incubating Projects

Growing in maturity and scope.

Sandbox Projects

Ready for early adopters.

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Hedera Improvement Proposals

Hedera Improvement Proposals (HIPs) define the specification used by the main Hashgraph Consensus Nodes. These proposals can range from core protocol changes such as the gRPC API and blockchain definition, to the applications, frameworks, and protocols built on top of the Hedera public network and used by the community. The HIP author is responsible for building consensus within the community and documenting dissenting opinions, as well as tracking their HIP through the process.
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A complete list of completed HIPs can be found at the Hedera Improvement Proposals page.
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To contribute to a HIP, or join a discussion, please visit the Hedera Improvement Proposals GitHub.

Individual Contributors

The following individuals have contributed to the development of Hedera.

Contributing Companies

The following companies are members of the Hedera Projects and contribute to the development of Hedera.