Theom is a fully managed Cloud Data Protection Platform that empowers enterprises to protect their data in the cloud by providing complete visibility into their data environment, real-time detection of risks, and expert remediation guidance to avoid data breaches before they happen.


Hedera transactions per customer every day


classification batches per day

"The Hedera Consensus Service was an obvious choice for our use case — the high-velocity user and machine generated events could not be recorded on other public ledgers or using smart contracts."

Navindra Yadav

Co-Founder and CEO,



Use Case

Audit Log


Theom is a fully managed Cloud Data Protection Platform that empowers enterprises to protect their data in the cloud. Build proof-of-action for data classfication on Cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, GCP, Snowflake.


Theom needed a cost-effective and scalable way for their customers to publicly verify the integrity of data that is accessible by the platform, ensuring that customer data has not been compromised. Due to the shared responsibility of cloud platforms, the necessity of proof exists. Critical business data is protected using Theom’s remediation actions.


The Theom platform utilizes Hedera Consensus Service to create an auditable log of events, ensuring that any action taken on customer data by Theom or the customer’s cloud provider is provable. This ensures that no data is tampered with or moved outside of the customer’s environment. Customers can act on Theom’s risk remediations with confidence that it's proven by Hedera.

Theom is a fully managed Cloud Data Protection Platform that empowers enterprises to establish Zero Trust practices for data protection. Theom’s agentless managed solution is fully optimized to support AWS (data stores), Snowflake, Envoy/Nginx/Kubernetes(APIs), Kafka/RabbitMQ (Message queues), and more.

Customers of Theom need a solution to log, trust, and verify any action taken on their data by Theom. Theom creates this proof of data classification and integrity within Customers realm. This proof-of-action ensures there is no unauthorized data tampering or ingress/egress. Theom uses the classification verdicts to provide an estimate of financial liability to an enterprise making it a critical tool for their risk and data protection needs.

Hedera assists Theom by logging an immutable and verifiable log of events using the Hedera Consensus Service; this auditable log increases trust between customers, their cloud provider / SaaS application(s), and Theom, leading to greater adoption, retention, and usage.

Theom’s requirement of trust for customer data privacy and access

Data classification audit is critical to ensuring the integrity of online services and applications, especially when said data is sensitive customer information. Implementation of new applications and solutions into an existing environment often comes with the risk of data tampering, unauthorized access, and unwanted ingress/egress. It’s important that organizations implementing new solutions can trust and verify with certainty how and when their data is accessed and used.

Theom performs threat analysis and detection on customer data residing across various interconnected cloud providers and SaaS applications belonging to the customer without the data ever leaving customer’s jurisdiction. Some of this data is highly sensitive — it’s important to Theom’s customers that data never leaves and is never manipulated; it was also discovered that customers find value in a trusted third-party determining whether their cloud provider or SaaS application is being honest.

In Theom’s mission to create trust between themselves and their customers, they decided that an immutable, trusted, and verifiable log of events was required. A lack thereof would result in negative effects on user adoption and retention. Because the platform’s actions generate a significant amount of data, it was especially important that the solution operates at scale and can offer predictable, low fees.

“Trust at scale with our customers was a significant problem to be solved, especially considering the sensitive nature of their data —” said Navindra Yadav, Co-Founder and CEO at Theom “it was important that we bring the greatest degree of integrity and transparency to our platform.” Theom evaluated various public ledgers and smart contract platforms to power this component of their application but took issue with expensive transaction fees, low throughput, and poor performance with these options.

A scalable, low-cost, and verifiable log of events on Hedera

To solve for this challenge, Thoem looked to the Hedera Consensus Service (HCS) and Hedera’s “proof-of-action” implementation for creating a high-throughput, immutable, and verifiable log of events on the public Hedera network — akin to a decentralized messaging bus. And at $0.0001 USD per message, HCS enables Theom to log and make verifiable every event related to data access and retention. This creates trust for customers that:

  • Data persists only within their cloud environment / SaaS applications and is not removed by their cloud provider or SaaS applications.

  • All actions taken by Theom are logged and legitimate, including data observation, fixing risks, data classification, and more.

  • Customer data is never ingested by Theom into another environment for analysis.

By using Hedera Consensus Service and the proof-of-action implementation, Theom is able to prove to customers with confidence a holistic view of any action on their data. By implementing Hedera into the Theom enterprise security solution, they’ve increased customer trust, bolstered their value proposition, and improved acquisition and retention.

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Use Case

Audit Log


Theom is a fully managed Cloud Data Protection Platform that empowers enterprises to protect their data in the cloud. Build proof-of-action for data classfication on Cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, GCP, Snowflake.


Theom needed a cost-effective and scalable way for their customers to publicly verify the integrity of data that is accessible by the platform, ensuring that customer data has not been compromised. Due to the shared responsibility of cloud platforms, the necessity of proof exists. Critical business data is protected using Theom’s remediation actions.


The Theom platform utilizes Hedera Consensus Service to create an auditable log of events, ensuring that any action taken on customer data by Theom or the customer’s cloud provider is provable. This ensures that no data is tampered with or moved outside of the customer’s environment. Customers can act on Theom’s risk remediations with confidence that it's proven by Hedera.


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